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 10 How do I get my INS to work? (Read 3894 times)
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How do I get my INS to work?
May 4th, 2020 at 11:14pm
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Could someone tell me how to get the INS working i my 707, PLEASE.
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Re: How do I get my INS to work?
Reply #1 - May 4th, 2020 at 11:15pm
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Could someone please tell me how to get my INS working!
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Re: How do I get my INS to work?
Reply #2 - May 5th, 2020 at 2:15am
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1. Rename the panel.cfg (found in FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes\CS_B707-300\panel folder)
2. Rename the CIVA_panel to panel.cfg
3. Once that is done, you need to press F10 (2D Cockpit) to initialise the INS (it won't work until after you do this).

Mark Fletcher

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Re: How do I get my INS to work?
Reply #3 - May 5th, 2020 at 1:44pm
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Thank you, you are gentlemen. I will try it.
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Re: How do I get my INS to work?
Reply #4 - May 5th, 2020 at 2:09pm
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Hello Markus.

I tried doing it. I got as far as finding it it FSX\Simobjects\Airplanes\CS_B707-300\Panel etc. But, how do you rename the panel.cfg ??

thanks for your help Markus it is much appreciated.

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Re: How do I get my INS to work?
Reply #5 - May 5th, 2020 at 2:13pm
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I manage to get a message " The action can't be completed because the folder or file in it is open in another program."
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Re: How do I get my INS to work?
Reply #6 - May 6th, 2020 at 3:22am
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To rename a file, right click on it, and select "Rename" (or select the file panel.cfg then pres the F2 key). I suggest you rename it panel.BAK, or something like that.

I can open and edit a panel.cfg even if FSX is running, and the 707-300 is loaded. What version of Windows do you use (i.e. Win 10 Pro, Win 10 Home, etc.)?

EDIT. I have attached a file. In the zip file is a panel.cfg (this is the renamed CIVA_panel.cfg) file, and a panel.BAK.cfg (this is the renamed original panel.cfg) file.
1. Download the zip file.
2. Extract the two files from the zip file to the FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes\CS_B707-300\panel folder. Allow the panel.cfg to be overwritten by the panel.cfg from the zip file!
Make sure that FSX is not open/running when you do this! ( 8 KB | 254 Downloads )

Mark Fletcher

PC: i7 10700K @3.8/5.1GHz | 64GB DDR4 3200 | 12GB RTX 4070 Super | 32" LCD Monitor | 1TB SSD & 2x2TB SSD | Win 11 Pro
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Re: How do I get my INS to work?
Reply #7 - May 6th, 2020 at 8:34pm
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Hi Markos.

It worked! Thank you so much. Smiley. Although I started to play around with it a little and unfortunately I'm not able to insert my initial position. When I opened up the INS in the POS the Latitude co-ordinates where in place and when I tried to input my Longitude co-ordinate the keyboard on the INS doesn't function. The good news I am able to input all my waypoints. But, saying that i'm not really going anywhere if I can't get my initial position into the INS in the first place Undecided. I don't know whether maybe it's because i haven't installed it properly. I don't know whether if i'm doing something wrong. I've tried also to insert a DME station and the buttons doesn't seem to function for those inputs either. I don't know if you can help me with this,especially if you've encountered the same kind of problem. I must say you have been a tremendous help to me so far! For my part I think i'll probably be up all night studying the Carousel INS manual.
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707 and 727 INS doesn't work
Reply #8 - May 8th, 2020 at 4:59am
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Dear All.

I wonder if there is anyone out there who can help. I have just bought the 707 Captain and the 727 Captain. I'm running both on Windows 7. For the 727 i'm using FSX:SE as well as the old boxed FSX version. On the 707 i'm just using the old boxed version. And in all cases for both aircraft I seem to be having one fundamental problem. My CDU will allow me to enter N and S Latitudes( keys 2 and 8 ) and their corresponding coordinates and inserting them into the left data display. But, when I try to use keys 4 and 6 to enter my Initial position for W and E nothing happens. The right data display seems to be stuck in East (E). I am able though to enter Waypoints & DME station for obtaining Aided Inertial Operations. Yes, I've read the manual but it seems a shame and all for nothing cause i'm not really going anywhere unless I can fix my initial position. I seem to be missing something here!. Does anybody knows what is going on and more importantly know how to fix this. I would be most grateful if you could help ...and I guess so would those probably many others who are having the same sort of problem.
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Re: How do I get my INS to work?
Reply #9 - May 9th, 2020 at 9:09am
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Is there nobody out there who know.!

Well, does anybody know how I can get a refund!
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Re: How do I get my INS to work?
Reply #10 - May 10th, 2020 at 3:45am
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The (4) N and (6) W are working for me.

I started the 707 at EGLL, GATE 1 (HEAVY), and had no problems entering N 5 8 2 8 1  INSERT  W 2 8 3  INSERT, and aligning it. All that was left to do, was add a route.

1. Where is FSX installed?
2. Did you install the Captain Sim 707 as per these guidelines:
3. Which version of the CIVA-INS did you install (I'm using v1.51.00)

Mark Fletcher

PC: i7 10700K @3.8/5.1GHz | 64GB DDR4 3200 | 12GB RTX 4070 Super | 32" LCD Monitor | 1TB SSD & 2x2TB SSD | Win 11 Pro
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Re: How do I get my INS to work?
Reply #11 - May 11th, 2020 at 2:11pm
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I am a little confused. What do you mean by “ The (4) N and (6) W are working for me”

How did you manage to get a CIVA- INS to have it’s North Latitude entry N ( allocated to key 4) and the (W) Longitude entry (allocated to key 6). Because having read the CIVA – INS (v1.51.00) manual that I had to download with the 707, tells me otherwise in fact having decided to also add  Just Flight’s (another company) wonderful VC -10, and another company’s (A)amazing Douglas DC 8 (which also features the INS) to my collection and after reading their manuals too,  they all concur that the Latitude entry key for North (N) is in fact key (2) and Longitude entry for West is key (4) it is interesting because how it reads to me is that your CIVA-INS has its North Latitude entry on key (4) pointing in a direction that, where everybody else’s (another company & A) is pointing West( key 4) and your W  Longitude key (6) points were everybody elses (6) should be East. Surely it must be a typing error on your part because both Just Flight’s VC 10 and another company’s Douglas DC 8 seem to work, perfectly, not to mention they both fly beautifully too! Perhaps the biggest give away is that on the INS keyboard itself it is clearly marked on the No:2 key (N) and on the No: 4 key (W).

There are several other points which you’ve mentioned that add to more confusion, if that is the case as in your CIVA INS how did your CIVA-IN manage to align itself with the Coordinates N58 28.1, W 28.3 at EGLL Heathrow Airport. Are we talking about the same Heathrow Airport in London, the reason why I ask is because “Gate 1 Heavy” at Heathrow Airport with those co-ordinates that you stated simply doesn’t exist. I’ve checked with Jeppenson Charts through Navigraph and through another company’s PFPX INS Gate Coordinates and there are no Stands with those coordinates. Furthermore, being as we are talking about the 707 there are no Gate’s listed for EGLL as Gate 1 (Heavy). Although there is a Gate 1 (Heavy) listed in the Steam version (FSX:SE). The 727 Captain does operate in FSX:SE. So I placed the 727 at Gate 1 Heavy. It didn’t really surprise me that the INS didn’t work….

The most frustrating thing is i’ve tried emailing Captain Sim at and still haven’t received a reply. Captain Sim have sold me product that doesn’t a customer I have a right to ask for a full refund…

The fact is as a customer, Just Flight and another company have managed to get it right..and quite frankly the time and money i’ve spent on Captain Sim’s 707 & 727 simply isn’t worth it and a total waste of my time.

As for 1: Where is FSX installed?!. I’m not sure exactly how to answer that, given your other statements above. All I can say is that it is installed at the right place for my VC-10 and DC 8 to work just fine.

2. Did you install the Captain Sim 707 as per these guidesline etc… yes, I did and it was a complete waste of my time because it still doesn’t work.

3. Which version of the CIVA INS did you install? The same one you are using!

Can I ask you a question? Do you work for Captain Sim? Cause it’s advertise under your name as CS Team.

If you do, then all I kindly ask as customer, that CS return my money in full.

Kind regards

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Re: How do I get my INS to work?
Reply #12 - May 11th, 2020 at 6:40pm
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707Tim wrote on May 11th, 2020 at 2:11pm:
I am a little confused. What do you mean by “ The (4) N and (6) W are working for me”
I made a typo in saying the 4 key is N, when in actual fact the 2 key is the N. But the reply was to this:
707Tim wrote on May 8th, 2020 at 4:59am:
But, when I try to use keys 4 and 6 to enter my Initial position for W and E nothing happens.

Also. I don't have any problems entering the E either. Like when I placed the 707 at YMML Parking 8 - Ramp Cargo, and entered   S 3 7 4 0 6  ENTER  E 1 4 4 5 0 9

707Tim wrote on May 11th, 2020 at 2:11pm:
As for 1: Where is FSX installed?!. I’m not sure exactly how to answer that, given your other statements above. All I can say is that it is installed at the right place for my VC-10 and DC-8 to work just fine.
That's good that the VC-10, and DC 8 work fine, but if you have installed FSX in the default location (C:\Program Files (x86)\etc., then that can cause a problem due to the restrictions that Windows puts on making changes within the C:\Program Files (x86), and C:\Program Files folders. While many FSX addons work fine with FSX insatalled in the default location, the more complex the addon gets, the more likely you are to have problems with them. While the Just Flight VC-10, and DC-8 fit the first category, Captain Sim products fit the second category.

FSX:SE should be fine as Steam installs on C:\Steam by default, although I installed mine in F:\Steam, to keep it off my C: drive.

707Tim wrote on May 11th, 2020 at 2:11pm:
if that is the case as in your CIVA INS how did your CIVA-IN manage to align itself with the Coordinates N58 28.1, W 28.3 at EGLL Heathrow Airport. Are we talking about the same Heathrow Airport in London, the reason why I ask is because “Gate 1 Heavy” at Heathrow Airport with those co-ordinates that you stated simply doesn’t exist. I’ve checked with Jeppenson Charts through Navigraph and through another company’s PFPX INS Gate Coordinates and there are no Stands with those coordinates.
Yeah I was using CTRL+TAB to switch between FSX and Firefox, and somehow I made two mistakes in my reply. The first, I mentioned above, the second was puting an 8 where a 1 should have been. The coordinates are as follows:

N51o 28.10', W0o 28.32', and seeing as you don't use the last digit when entering them into the INS, it should have read:

N 5 1 2 8 1  INSERT  W 2 8 3  INSERT

707Tim wrote on May 11th, 2020 at 2:11pm:
The 727 Captain does operate in FSX:SE. So I placed the 727 at Gate 1 Heavy. It didn’t really surprise me that the INS didn’t work….
If you look at the attached image, that is the Captain Sim 727 v2.7 in FSX:SE parked at EGLL Gate 1 (Heavy), and the coordinates are entered and aligned.

One other thing. As you know, you can enter whatever coordinates you want to enter into the INS. If you enter the coordinates for some other location, instead of the actual location that the 727 is  really at, the INS will accept the coordinates, and align to it. As you know, it makes following a route impossible, because it will track to where it believes that Waypoint 1 is in relation to where the INS was aligned. Sad

2020-5-12_4-23-42-977.jpg ( 460 KB | 162 Downloads )

Mark Fletcher

PC: i7 10700K @3.8/5.1GHz | 64GB DDR4 3200 | 12GB RTX 4070 Super | 32" LCD Monitor | 1TB SSD & 2x2TB SSD | Win 11 Pro
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Carlos Meneses
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Re: How do I get my INS to work?
Reply #13 - Aug 17th, 2020 at 6:29am
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Hi Markoz
Regarding the INS (Civa) I did the steps you gave to a user and it works for the B707-300 and 300B models, but when I initialize the INS in the B707-300C model (Cargo) it doesn´t appear even pressing the F10 key.
How I can install it for the cargo model?

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Re: How do I get my INS to work?
Reply #14 - Sep 12th, 2020 at 8:21am
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Here are the modified CIVA_panel.cfg files for the Captain Sim 707-300, and 707-300C (freighter).
Extract the contents of the attached file to FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes. Doing this will extract the contents to their correct folders (CS_B707-300/panel, and CS_B707-300C\panel, folders). They are named differently, so nothing should be overwritten (I have included backups of the original panel.cfg files (named panel-original.cfg)).

That means you right click on the zip file, select extract to..., then browse for the FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes folder (the location where FSX/FSX-SE is installed).

Note. You will need to rename the modified files to panel.cfg after they have been extracted! ( 18 KB | 137 Downloads )

Mark Fletcher

PC: i7 10700K @3.8/5.1GHz | 64GB DDR4 3200 | 12GB RTX 4070 Super | 32" LCD Monitor | 1TB SSD & 2x2TB SSD | Win 11 Pro
15.6" Gaming Laptop: i7 7700HQ | 32GB DDR4 | 6GB GTX 1060 | 256GB SSD & 1TB HDD | Win 10 Pro 64bit
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