I recently upgraded the major hardware in my PC, so I had to reinstall Windows and everything else.
When it came to uninstalling the Capt Sim products before changing the hardware, most of them didn't uninstall properly. Either the data was left within the sim, or the data was erased, but the entry for the product remained on the programs & apps list and couldn't be removed.
This isn't the first time this has happened. In the past I've used CCleaner to remove the registry or add/remove entries to clean up after an uninstall.
I'd like to emphasise that I had a standard sim install, and I didn't even use the Captain Sim products between installing and uninstalling them. I don't use a VPN or proxy server at all.
Now, of course, the majority of my products refuse to activate. I've just got the C-130 unlocked, but now it looks like I will have to do the same for all the Boeing products bar the 727, which uninstalled as it should.
It would be very much better if this process could be automated. It felt like being hauled in front of the headmaster for something I hadn't even done - "Explain yourself, boy!
