General >> TYPICAL ISSUES >> Installer Errors

Message started by JD_LincsUK on Sep 30th, 2020 at 1:13pm

Title: Installer Errors
Post by JD_LincsUK on Sep 30th, 2020 at 1:13pm
I recently upgraded the major hardware in my PC, so I had to reinstall Windows and everything else.

When it came to uninstalling the Capt Sim products before changing the hardware, most of them didn't uninstall properly. Either the data was left within the sim, or the data was erased, but the entry for the product remained on the programs & apps list and couldn't be removed.

This isn't the first time this has happened. In the past I've used CCleaner to remove the registry or add/remove entries to clean up after an uninstall.

I'd like to emphasise that I had a standard sim install, and I didn't even use the Captain Sim products between installing and uninstalling them. I don't use a VPN or proxy server at all.

Now, of course, the majority of my products refuse to activate. I've just got the C-130 unlocked, but now it looks like I will have to do the same for all the Boeing products bar the 727, which uninstalled as it should.

It would be very much better if this process could be automated. It felt like being hauled in front of the headmaster for something I hadn't even done - "Explain yourself, boy!  >:( "

Title: Re: Installer Errors
Post by Markoz on Sep 30th, 2020 at 2:27pm
This doesn't make sense. If you upgraded your computer, and reinstalled Windows, then you should be able to reinstall/activate your products. That's because all the info for their installation, stored in registry, will have been replaced.
If they aren't activating, is it because those products are now locked, and you only need to get them unlocked?

Title: Re: Installer Errors
Post by JD_LincsUK on Sep 30th, 2020 at 5:45pm
Yes, most of them are locked. I can only assume it has something to do with the fact that I couldn't uninstall them correctly - from the information I have found on this forum and the message I received when I unlocked the C-130 (as I say, no VPN or proxy used here) I can only assume this is why they are now locked. I used the Add/remove programs panel to uninstall them. Should I perhaps use the installer instead?

But I am supposed to give a reason why I need them unlocking when I make the application.  I need them unlocking because they have been locked due to circumstances out of my control - what can I say?

However, if the system were simply automated, I can just get on with unlocking them without having to explain what I don't know, apart from "because they are locked" for each one.

What I'm suggesting is that Captain Sim implement a system similar to the auto-renew download link system. Where I can just go to my account, choose the product that needs unlocking and get it done automatically there and then. Or even one with the current system, where I can get all my products unlocked at once instead of making 9 applications in total, which also wastes somebody at Capt Sim's time.

Title: Re: Installer Errors
Post by Markoz on Oct 1st, 2020 at 2:51am

JD_LincsUK wrote on Sep 30th, 2020 at 5:45pm:
I can only assume it has something to do with the fact that I couldn't uninstall them correctly - from the information I have found on this forum and the message I received when I unlocked the C-130 (as I say, no VPN or proxy used here) I can only assume this is why they are now locked.
Once you have activated the product three times, the order number gets locked, a simple request to have them unlocked will work. At the moment, you just have to do it for each product that can't be done automatically. Maybe one day they will all be updated to the newer system, but until then, you have to do it the old way.

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