Somehow ended up working the last few times I've tried it this week. I wonder if it had to do with a double binding between the Z key as the MSFS generic AP disconnect, and the CS 717 AP disconnect.
My next issue with this plane, however, is that altitude does not hold appropriately. It holds about 200' above the preset altitude, and this most recent flight that I thought I would give the plane a chance on, it didn't want to hold FL320, it continued to hold 32,200', and so I chose to return to landing to see how it did there.
Next issue: Descending, the plane does not follow assigned VS if I have one set. It holds alright on the climb, but during descent, if I set -2000' VS, it holds -1300' VS or so. If I set it to -3000' VS, it holds -2300' VS. This is another problem that has to do with the autopilot that I can't have.
Next issue: when I was middle clicking the speed hold bug on the descent, it wouldn't show the preset airspeed next to PITCH, as it does on takeoff - climbout. Why not? The speed bug sets appropriately, but the speed on the FMA does not update. This doesn't seem correct.
Next issue: Upon getting vectored to the ILS, I clicked APPR/AUTOLAND, and the AP did not capture the localizer.
Next issue... hopefully last: I bugged 2000' for ILS capture beforehand, and the AP flew right through it, despite the ALT being armed appropriately. The aural annunciations just said "Altitude" as it flashed yellow. I disconnected and handflew this mess to landing. Couldn't disconnect the A/T but I think I read somewhere that that is a key binding that needs to be set up.
Thanks for any help you guys can offer. This plane is a laundry list of issues.