Hello everyone. I am the author of the Total Overhaul mod and I want to present version 2.0 of the mod.
Total Overhaul v2.0 supports Prepar3D v4 and v5 and includes:
1. Updated air dynamics for Captain Sim Boeing 737-200 for the P3D V4-v5 simulators. The engines parameters in the model (EPR, N1, N2, fuel consumption) fully correspond to the values from the FCOM tables for different flight levels and speeds. This is true for the P&W JT8D-15/15A and P&W JT8D-17/17A engines for the Captain Sim Boeing 737-200 Base, Advanced, Combi and Freighter.
2. The new PDCS (Performance Data Computer System). New custom PDCS is not a full simulation of a real device. Rather, it is a multi-functional assistant that provides virtual pilots with many of the features of a real PDCS, combined with other useful features and ease to use. Main features of the new device: – calculation and display of engine EPR values at all stages of the flight - takeoff, climb, cruise and landing. The parameters correspond to the values from the FCOM performance tables for the Pratt & Whitney JT8D-15A and JT8D-17A engines; – calculation and indication of optimal speeds and flight level for various stages of the flight. The parameters correspond to values from the FCOM performance tables for JT8D-15A and JT8D-17A engines; – calculation of speeds V1, Vr, V2 and Vref; – descent mode with calculation of TOD (top of descent), optimal descent vertical speed and indication of deviations from the calculated descend profile; – indication of current speeds, temperatures, wind and its components, aircraft loading, fuel loading, etc
3. New Attitude Director Indicator (ADI) with vertical and horizontal flight director bars as an alternative to the original ADI with V-steering FD bars. In real life both types of ADI were installed on the Boeing 737-200. The original ADI also has been saved. Selecting between the original ADI and the alternate ADI is done in the PDCS settings. In the process of working on the new ADI, the logic of Flight Director operation, based on the description from the FCOM, was also generally corrected.
4. New electronic Navigation Display (ND) as an alternative to the original analog Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI). In terms of functionality, this device is quite close to the real ND installed on the Boeing 737-800. The original HSI also has been saved. Selecting between analog HSI and electronic ND is done in the PDCS settings.
5. Smiths FMS from the addon Ernie Alston – Integrated Simavionics Group (ISG) with its own AIRAC navigation database, which allows for full lateral navigation, fully work with the flight plan and perform SID and STAR procedures. A mandatory requirement for FMS operation is the presence of the ISG addon installed in the simulator.
6. New cockpit sounds for switches, buttons, etc. Absolutely all sounds have been made, many missing sounds have been added. And also new sounds of P&W JT8D engines have been made.
7. Modified night textures of the cockpit and instruments for better visual perception in the cockpit at night flights. Modified textures of signal lamps on the overhead and other panels. Modified textures of some instruments in the cockpit to improve their readability.
8. New effects of landing and taxiing lights, navigation lights, strobes, beacon lights. New lighting in the cockpit.
9. A useful Wind Gauge.
To download Total Overhaul v2.0 go to Youtube and search the video (without quotes) "Full flight from Leipzig to Frankfurt (EDDP – EDDF) on Boeing 737-200 Advanced. Prepar3D v4". Download link is available in the description below the video.
Read attached documentation before installation and using.
Have a nice flying and smooth landings!