Just returned to flight-simming after a long time, got Prepar3D v2! It's a lot better than FSX IMO, nicer graphics, better performance, and GENERALLY a good compatibility with FSX addons. However, after creating a dummy FSX to install the B-52 Driver to, and then merging the SimObjects and Effects folders in - I came across some problems.
The plane loads up fine (the first time) and all gauges display after switching views a couple times. I was looking around the cockpit, and I tried turning on the terrain radar. That's when it got ugly.
Sim froze up, had to terminate it. I thought I could just avoid any more problems by not activating the radar the next time I loaded the sim, but...
...this time it didn't load up at all. It came up with an error message on launch, saying it 'couldn't load the default flight', then went on to say 'couldn't load any default aircraft'. The sim then quit itself.
I only fixed the problem by unfortunately uninstalling the B-52...

Any fixes you guys might have? I know others have come across this problem with other CS aircraft - just need some kinda tweak to fix it...