767 Captain (FSX) >> 767 Captain (FSX) >> No STARs

Message started by Jorxu on Feb 25th, 2021 at 12:51am

Title: No STARs
Post by Jorxu on Feb 25th, 2021 at 12:51am

I have just bought 767 base pack for FSX, with the initial AIRAC I can select all the approaches and STARs, but when I update it, it is not possible, when I select the approach, STARs dissapear. I tried with more than one AIRAC, 2012, 2013 and 2014.

Any idea?


Title: Re: No STARs
Post by Markoz on Feb 26th, 2021 at 1:05am
Make sure there is a STARs.db in the FSX\Captain_Sim\navigation folder.

Title: Re: No STARs
Post by Jorxu on Feb 26th, 2021 at 7:09pm
Hi, thanks for your answer ;)

Yes I have all the .db

In my case, when I push DEP/ARR and the ARR I can see all the STAR and APP, but when I select the APP all the STAR dissapears and I can not select them, in the case of selecting first the STAR and then the approach I can select them but the points do not appear on route or leg page.

I saw this morning this post: i have to change the link because i can not post a messege with links) which shows my problem, but doing your steps, the CDU does not have all the points for the STAR in LEGS page, only a few, and in the case of APP no point appears.

Thank you very much!

Title: Re: No STARs
Post by Markoz on Feb 27th, 2021 at 1:40am
I haven't flown the 767 Captain in FSX for a long time, so I guess I'll have to take it for a flight and see if my "fix" still works. I know it did last time I tried it, but that was a long time ago.
Also. The latest Navigraph AIRAC I have is 2002, after that, my subscription ran out, and I haven't renewed it since.

Can you please provide the route you are having trouble with. I just set up a flight, and had no problems with the STARs (had to reinstall the 767 due to computer upgrade, so I'm using AIRAC 1104).

Title: Re: No STARs
Post by Jorxu on Feb 27th, 2021 at 3:19pm
Hi, thanks again for your answer.

With the default AIRAC, I can select all the options, the problem cames when I update the AIRAC, I use navigraph for this task, and I have tried with diferent AIRACs, the newest and olders.

I tried to fly different routes, for example arrivals to Madrid (LEMD) or Jerez (LEJR). With your fix, I can have the STAR in LEG page, but all the approaches are missing only appears the runway threshold, and if you are going to perform a RNAV APP it could be a problem, because ILS or VOR APP could be performed by "hand".

I do not know if there is any update for the aircraft, I bought it 4 days ago.

Thanks Markoz

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