767 Captain (FSX) >> 767 Captain (FSX) >> I have a question about a 767 mod

Message started by dbhally on Mar 14th, 2012 at 9:55pm

Title: I have a question about a 767 mod
Post by dbhally on Mar 14th, 2012 at 9:55pm
there are multiple models in the CS767-300 folder I'm sure most are aware...I didn't know this but the pw3 model is an original 300 rather than an ER according to the IDENT page on the FMC. I copied the CS767-300 folder, named it CS767-300ER and went back to the first one and changed the values in the aircraft.cfg to reflect the values of the original 767-300...took a little doing, the Boeing site has all the info.

After a couple of tests...yeah it's not happening...the FMC and AP do not seem to be working right. the aircraft will not reach cruising alt with VNAV. There must be something else that would need to be changed elsewhere but I wouldn't have the slightest idea of where to begin.

any ideas?
Thank you

Title: Re: I have a question about a 767 mod
Post by TurbofanDude on Jun 23rd, 2012 at 7:31am

Unless I am mistaken, the performance data and settings in the FMC is actually dictated by the systems themselves (inside the code, non-editable). If this is the case, changing the settings in the aircraft.cfg is only going to make part of the aircraft different, causing the issues you mentioned.

I am not sure if the type of 767 can be changed that easily.

Title: Re: I have a question about a 767 mod
Post by AirCanadaGuy on Jun 23rd, 2012 at 11:55pm
I doubt it has to do with payload changes and fuel capacity, weight & balance, etc. Does the VNAV still create a VNAV speed?

I was also unaware of the different models, I thought the different folders were just back-ups... And CS does have the different models used on different airliners, I guess they researched which airlines have the none ER and ER models?

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