Weapon for FSX >> Weapon for FSX >> What to do when there's 2 Panel configs?

Message started by wingclip on Aug 27th, 2011 at 9:09pm

Title: What to do when there's 2 Panel configs?
Post by wingclip on Aug 27th, 2011 at 9:09pm
Hi all, I was using the Loader to install some weapons when I came upon a rotorcraft I have that has 2 'Panel.cfg' files. Actually, I then found that several of my planes and rotorcraft have this additional Panel file.

The difference is that one is named "Panel.cfg" and the other is named "panelg.cfg" or some have "Panel340.cfg" etc.

Does it matter if I load weapons into the panel file that has that 'extra' suffix?

Should we load into both?

The answer is likely to be "No" and "No" but I'm not real sure.

Not too long ago I made some Shockwave lights for the another company Constellation and found that it had 2 "Aircraft.cfg" files. The other was named "Aircraft_.cfg". So I just changed the light data in both of them and I don't know if I had to but it worked fine.

I'm guessing this may be a similar situation.

Title: Re: What to do when there's 2 Panel configs?
Post by Markoz on Aug 28th, 2011 at 8:02am
Hi winclip

I would not recommend changing those panel files because FSX only reads the one named panel.cfg (AFAIK). Those panel files with the "extra" bits are probably associated with a program that can switch between different panel settings (with different gauges in it).

Besides that, Weapon will have copied the panel.cfg, that is currently being used by that aircraft/rotorcraft, made its modifications and placed the modified panel.cfg in the panel.csweapon folder.

Hope you can make sense of what I just said.


Title: Re: What to do when there's 2 Panel configs?
Post by wingclip on Aug 28th, 2011 at 10:55pm
Yes I think I got it Mark. I'll just stick with the straight "Panel.cfg" when I use the weapons Loader. Thank You

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