Weapon for FSX >> Weapon for FSX >> 3rd Party Panel Mods Thread

Message started by Ragtopjohnny on Feb 15th, 2011 at 3:16pm

Title: 3rd Party Panel Mods Thread
Post by Ragtopjohnny on Feb 15th, 2011 at 3:16pm
Please place your 3rd party panel mods here.....

Can Captain Sim Sticky this so it's easy to find and have people help each other with 3rd party mods?

There are those of us (like me) who are horrid at panel editing and figured this would only help the community with your brilliant product.  Sort of a knowledge base of different panels, settings, etc.



Title: The "I Got Weapon for FSX Installed" Thread
Post by Ragtopjohnny on Feb 13th, 2011 at 3:38pm
Hey all -

Here's an idea - I know most of us aren't good with editing panels, etc (Me being one) So how's this for a new thread?

Can those who get it successfully installed in 3rd party aircraft post thier settings here? I figured it would help those of us who aren't adapt at editng panels ease the pain of setting it up.  

I'm sure there are multiple owners of the same aircraft out there....

Thanks if you all cooperate! :D


Title: Re: The "I Got Weapon for FSX Installed" Thread
Post by rservice on Feb 13th, 2011 at 7:10pm
Good idea John.I was about to ask the same thing,although I guess payware third party developers would'nt be too happy.
Ron ;D

Title: Re: The "I Got Weapon for FSX Installed" Thread
Post by biggles on Feb 13th, 2011 at 10:21pm
I've tried this with a few of my own (I create lots of planes using FSDS3.5). The biggest problem I've run into so far is that if my 2d panel takes up too much real estate (i.e. not much sky area at the top) then parts of the weapon hud etc. overlap my panel area. So I'm thinking of making some tweaked panels using FS Panel Studio (my editor of choice) where the main 2d panel gives more space to the HUD, and so forth. A couple of times the red and green circles in calibrate have been rather difficult to line up and adjust.

Title: Re: The "I Got Weapon for FSX Installed" Thread
Post by Ragtopjohnny on Feb 14th, 2011 at 12:52am

I got the idea that A2A does it with Shockwave Lights, which is their own - they have a  knowledge base its called with different light settings, so why not here?

Just post the relevant Captain Sim Weapon info, and we'll be all set.  I'm close with the help of several folks getting it working in another company's F16, so we'll see what happens when I'm there.  

Glad you both like the idea....


Title: Re: 3rd Party Panel Mods Thread
Post by Marc737ng on Feb 18th, 2011 at 12:49am
Ok guys! The problem with this addon is the collimation! So if youīd post your CSWeapon.xml here it has to be in relation to the pilots eyepoint in your aircraft.cfg. Many FSX Users had to adjust the eyepoint according the hardware that they use. I use TrackIR so I had to adjust a lot of files. Nevertheless, most of the 3rd party aircraft donīt support the collimation in VC in conjuction with Track IR. So you need both files (aircraft.cfg and csweapons.xml) wich will confuse even more user, since they will have difficulties with missing skins, etc.
Modding 3rd party requires a sound kowledge of FSX stucture and more than basic programming abilities. I have Dinoīs F14 armed (97% satisfied), IRIS F14 (90% since I use itīs own HUD with some disadvantages using Missiles) and Timīs A-29. Alphasim aircraft are tougher to tweak....

Title: Re: 3rd Party Panel Mods Thread
Post by rservice on Feb 18th, 2011 at 1:32am
I have the Iris F14,F16,Vulcan and F20, so any help you can provide on modding these would be appreciated.I do not have track IR.
This thread should be helpful those of us who are not proficient at modifying.I don't have problems adding aircraft in the .cfg files but this is a little more advanced.
Ron ::)

Title: Re: 3rd Party Panel Mods Thread
Post by Marc737ng on Feb 19th, 2011 at 3:59am
Hey guys! Iīm trying to give you some step by step information on CSWeapon installation on 3rd party aircraft. Most of the information is taken from the SDK with some hints.

Step 1: Start CSWeapon loader and modify your favourite aircraft.

Step 2: Fix the panel.cfg from your new "panel.csweapon"-folder. Compare it with the original panel.cfg of the aircraft and adjust the 2d windows and structure. Most of the aircraft have a HUD under this section so you might want to delete that and use the csweaponīs pack 2dHUD only.
I also delete the HUD glass since I donīt use my 2d panel, except for the calibration.
>>>Insert the CSWeapon!hud3d under the [VCockpitXX] section, were the original HUD is installed!!!<<<

//gauge00=fa-18!hud_2d,  57,35,400,430, 4
gauge00=CSWeapon!hud3d, 50, -16, 430, 430

Notice the changed position!!!

Step 3: Open the "CSWeapon.xml" and insert the eyepoint data from the aircraft.cfg section (here -> eyepoint=16.2 ,0.0 ,4.55) under the following section
Switch collimation off and testframe on:
       <!-- VC HUD collimation. 1-yes, 0-no (1). -->
       <!-- HUD test pattern. 1-yes, 0-no (0). -->
Step 4: Start FSX, load that aircraft and put it on the centerline of an airport.
Step 5: Adjust the 3D HUD in your panel.cfg on order to see it "on centerline" and if possible on horizont. Caution do not strech the gauge with different values! Check example (430,430 not 430, 400 etc) Reload your aircraft after every change untill your satisfied with the result.
Step 6: Load a DIFFERENT AIRCRAFT and switch collimation on again. You need to switch to another aircraft every time you make changes in the csweapon.xml since it is updated by FSX each time you close the plane.
Step 7: Reload the armed aircraft and switch to VC (Track IR should be off or paused!)
The 3D HUD is there! It might just be too small or to big to see it!!! (Sometimes the CS HUD doesnīt reload anymore! You can check that by loading the armed F-18: No HUD there? Restart FSX!)
To correct that error, you have to switch to another aircraft again and change the following line of your aircrafts csweapon.xml:
Increase or decrease that value in small steps until the HUD-size matches the old HUD. Donīt worry about the horizontal position, youīll do that later! If the HUD is inverted, you must adjust the values in the other direction until the size is right again. Remember to switch to another aircraft PRIOR each change!!!!
Now we have a centered HUD in VC with the right size on centerline.
Step 8: Switch testframe off
Step 9: Open panel.cfg and adjust horzontal position of the 3dHUD until the green circle matches the red calibration circle. Now some information of your HUD might be gone since itīs out of view (like the Heading, Heading scale or Weapon fire mode string) in that case you must resize the whole HUD or you have the live without that information (Iīll be very happy if CS developes an additional HUD with HDG,HDG Band etc in the lower section or even a basic HUD with Gunsight only :-))
Step 10: Adjust the weapons position, angle and ammo in the csweapon.xml (did you switch the aircraft?!?)
I use the hydras or zunies for position adjustment since they can be fired on the ground without targets.
Remove unwanted weapons.
(Step 11: Fix the gun sound problem)
This procedure takes me about one hour for each plane so take your time.
If you find a quicker way, let me know.

Have a bandit day,


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