727 Captain >> 727 Captain >> 727 2.3 Autopilot

Message started by KenG on Jan 29th, 2010 at 8:05pm

Title: Re: 727 2.3 Autopilot
Post by Markoz on Feb 25th, 2014 at 11:55pm

DesktopSimulations wrote on Feb 25th, 2014 at 6:25pm:
Still doesn't work, which I already expected while copying the "Captain_Sim.p721.sys.gau" file into the panel folder of the 727-100. Because there was no previous Captain_Sim.p721.sys.gau file so nothing had to be replaced so the file obviously has no effect because it's not used.

There should be a Captain_Sim.p721.sys.gau in the CS_727-100\panel folder!
Here is an image of  some of the files in my CS_727-100\panel folder. As you can see, there is a Captain_Sim.p721.sys.gau file, so it should be there.

You are also right that the fix is included in 727 v2.4. I made the mistake of assuming that you were using v2.3 because this topic is named 727 2.3 Autopilot. :-/

Perhaps the fact that the file seems to be missing, could account for your Autopilot problems? Reinstall the 727-100 Base Pack using the Repair option. You might want to disable your Anti Virus program while you reinstall, as it might have remove the file to its Virus Vault/Chest because the GAU file was perceived as a threat. Or you can check the AV Virus Vault/Chest, and if the Captain_Sim.p721.sys.gau is in there, restore it to where it should be.

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