757 Captain >> 757 version 1.x-2.x (FS9 ONLY) >> Jaggedy textures?

Message started by spitfir3 on Feb 26th, 2008 at 4:11pm

Title: Jaggedy textures?
Post by spitfir3 on Feb 26th, 2008 at 4:11pm

Just wondering if anyone knew how to prevent the jaggedy textures I get from CS and other aircraft?

Is it AF? 'cause ive got that selected on texture filtering atm. Nothing :|

Any ideas?


Title: Re: Jaggedy textures?
Post by Joeflyer on Feb 27th, 2008 at 8:41pm
Jaggedy textures is commonly from not having antialiasing turned on and possibly not having global texture size to maximum in the display settings of FS9.

What I use, as well as many other simmers, is a program called Nhancer. Google search it, download and install it. Very simple to use and will remove the jaggies for sure. Once you install Nhancer, TURN OFF antialiasing within FS9, as it will conflict with Nhancer and you will still see jaggies if you don't turn it off. Also, you can set AF within Nhancer or within your graphics card control panel.

Good luck....

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