C-130 X-perience >> C-130 X-perience - General >> IMPORTANT! Message started by Captain_Sim on Dec 22nd, 2007 at 5:27pm |
Title: IMPORTANT! Post by Captain_Sim on Dec 22nd, 2007 at 5:27pm
MAKE SURE TO CYCLE THROUGH THE FOLLOWING C-130 VIEWS BEFORE WORKING WITH SYSTEMS: 2D PANEL > VC > EXTERIOR SPOT VIEW If you did but still have some issue with the C-130 systems: Try to reload the C-130 (Alt-A-Enter-Enter). If the keys do not work use the FSX menu. Make sure the C-130 airplane is RELOADED. We are working on the initialization issue and hope to get it addressed as soon as possible. |
Title: Re: IMPORTANT! Post by Seria17hri11er on Dec 26th, 2007 at 10:37am
Does it matter if I close the 2d Panel after I cycle through all the views? Does it have to remain loaded the whole time? I.E. 2D-VC-Exterior-2d-right click on 2d panel and click "close."
Title: Re: IMPORTANT! Post by Captain_Sim on Dec 26th, 2007 at 4:07pm
Try both options.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT! Post by country4life on Oct 7th, 2008 at 3:26pm
Hello, I just bought the C-130 with extra pack 1. Why is it that when I fly with someone else in multiplayer, and they have the exact same aircraft, I can extend the refueling hoses on the C-130 refueler, the other person cant see it being extended? Even when im in Free flight(not online), I can record myself with Fsrecorder and when I playback as "play as ai aircraft", I cant see the hoses being extended. I have,however, figured out how to be able to see the hoses though. I had to copy the some files from the panel.cfg folder of the refueler and paste it in the panel.cfg folder of the C-130 panel.cfg folder that I want to refuel. When I now play the recorded clip, I have to go into the "view" option within FSX and "instrument panel" and select the "refuel" option(which now I have,because of the editing I did) and turn both switches to the "on" position...Now I can see the hoses being extended from the other plane....Is there a fix for this? I wanted to "pretend" to do a mid-air refuel using a A6-intruder, but it will not work, because when replaying back, the hoses cant be seen extending...please help
Title: Re: IMPORTANT! Post by Butch on Jan 6th, 2009 at 9:45am
Hi There,
I've cycled through the screens and everything is working ok, I have the AP engaged then for no apparent reason 1.) The AP disengages and I can no longer re engage it. 2.) The radio stops working, I cannot change the freq. So I reload the aircraft and cycle though the panels and after about 15 minutes the AP and radios freeze up again. What exactly do I need to do? Re-cycle all the 2D panels first, then load the VC (and look around?) then go external and look around the plane? I'd love to make this thing work, but so far I am yet to complete a flight without the AP and radios locking up. Thanks, Butch |
Title: Re: IMPORTANT! Post by ozflyer on Jun 29th, 2010 at 8:47am
Guess what I have the same problem as reply 4,
I am surprised to see no one has replied in all this time, is this problem normal ? Patrick :o |
Title: Re: IMPORTANT! Post by Captain Sim 2 on Jun 29th, 2010 at 11:14am
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