757 Captain III >> 757 Captain III - General >> removing the yoke - how??

Message started by Ephedrin on Apr 25th, 2020 at 1:34am

Title: Re: removing the yoke - how??
Post by Ephedrin on Apr 25th, 2020 at 12:03pm

Markoz wrote on Apr 25th, 2020 at 6:09am:
Clicking the left mouse button anywhere on the yoke's base-plate will hide/show the yoke (see attached image).

Note. The instructions, and image are for P3Dv4, and it's the same for P3Dv3, but in FSX/FSX-SE, it's the very bottom of the yoke (barely touching the yoke cylinder).

Thanks Markoz for your reply..

Apparently I'm just silly and the culprit was myself. As I still couldn't find that clickspot I went to my control panel and doublechecked the installed version. Well, I HAVE downloaded 1.5 from CS but for whatever reason then installed 1.300. So the option isn't even added here...  :-[ ::)  badumm tsss

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