737 Captain >> 737 Captain - General >> Vref / Weight Calculator

Message started by Tim Capps on Nov 23rd, 2014 at 9:07pm

Title: Re: Vref / Weight Calculator
Post by Tim Capps on Dec 5th, 2014 at 3:39am
Ah, poor Tanya, thrown to appease the restless natives LOL.  Well, if you say so, I'll look forward to it. It seems like so few things to bring it to perfection, but I realize there are other priorities, but... This one is special, though, Tanya. A classic without a flight engineer's station. Perfect for short hauls. And that panel is truly a work of art. Tell whoever does that I recognize how difficult it is to capture the subtle gradations of metal under light, and the tiny imperfections in the surface. That's what no one else can do.

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