General >> Hangar talks >> Thinking about getting this computer

Message started by Bernoulli on Aug 4th, 2013 at 1:56am

Title: Re: Thinking about getting this computer
Post by virge on Aug 7th, 2013 at 2:02am

Bernoulli wrote on Aug 6th, 2013 at 3:43pm:
Thanks for the comments Coolp. :)

So... Is there any problem with FSX on a 1TB hard drive with other programs too? I don't plan on putting too much other stuff on the hard drive with FSX... Maybe just MS Office and some other small stuff. That will not compromise the performance of FSX will it?

Like i previously stated, FSX is CPU intensive, and as such the faster the clock speed of the CPU the better. All other hardware is secondary to the CPU in the case of FSX. Anti-aliasing in many cases is more of a personal preference, since different people place different value in its worth. Sort of like saying it is in the eye of the beholder. Now having said that, anti-aliasing, and all other advancements in computer hardware, all give an overall better experience for the user, but when a budget is limited, then some choices must be made. In the case of anti-aliasing as one example, it is a relative resource hog, given the fact that when a person has an issue with FPS in FSX, one of the very first remedies is to reduce or even disable anti-aliasing in order to achieve better frame rates. After all if your simulation is going to look like a slide show rather then a fluid motion picture, then your experience is going to be ruined. In the end it is your choice, but my advice is to buy the best that you can afford. It is true that in raw clock speed, and the limitations of FSX, that an i5 is probably just as good as an i7, but you should also consider trying to maximize your investment as well by buying something that will have a longer lifespan.

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