707 Captain >> 707 Captain >> Help DME Doppler rolling turbulence alt

Message started by Kapitan on May 13th, 2013 at 10:40pm

Title: Help DME Doppler rolling turbulence alt
Post by Kapitan on May 13th, 2013 at 10:40pm
Maybe Markoz or other experient guys can help me regarding

Is it all in the manual or is there a tutorial here? I haven't been able to even turn it on

How can I make it work? Its impossible to make a flight without DME marking, since Im flying via VOR and have to cheat by checking the fs map everytime.

I find that the 707 seems to be a bit unstable, in level autopilot cruise alt FL320 IAS 300 kts it here and again starts a disturbing rolling left and right, then it stabilizes only to start again moments later

Isnt there an alt set knob where you can put your desired alt and the autopilot will level once reached?

turbulence - this is not 707 related
OK, this turbulence thing is grossly exaggerated.
Don't you hate it when you realize people thought smart to have turbulence and they add an exaggerated turbulence effect. We go from not having an effect (which is bad), to having an exaggerated and unrealistic effect (which is worse)

Cause in a long haul flight of 4 hours or more, you might get a bad day, but most of the flights will only have 2 or 3 episodes of turbulence not lasting more than 2 minutes each.

Im experiencing turbulence evry single minute minute, by flying online with IVAO, also have ezca, don't know which is causing turbulence and where to reduce its effects? Thedy are totally exaggerated in both intensity and frequency.

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