707 Captain >> 707 Captain >> Help DME Doppler rolling turbulence alt

Message started by Kapitan on May 13th, 2013 at 10:40pm

Title: Help DME Doppler rolling turbulence alt
Post by Kapitan on May 13th, 2013 at 10:40pm
Maybe Markoz or other experient guys can help me regarding

Is it all in the manual or is there a tutorial here? I haven't been able to even turn it on

How can I make it work? Its impossible to make a flight without DME marking, since Im flying via VOR and have to cheat by checking the fs map everytime.

I find that the 707 seems to be a bit unstable, in level autopilot cruise alt FL320 IAS 300 kts it here and again starts a disturbing rolling left and right, then it stabilizes only to start again moments later

Isnt there an alt set knob where you can put your desired alt and the autopilot will level once reached?

turbulence - this is not 707 related
OK, this turbulence thing is grossly exaggerated.
Don't you hate it when you realize people thought smart to have turbulence and they add an exaggerated turbulence effect. We go from not having an effect (which is bad), to having an exaggerated and unrealistic effect (which is worse)

Cause in a long haul flight of 4 hours or more, you might get a bad day, but most of the flights will only have 2 or 3 episodes of turbulence not lasting more than 2 minutes each.

Im experiencing turbulence evry single minute minute, by flying online with IVAO, also have ezca, don't know which is causing turbulence and where to reduce its effects? Thedy are totally exaggerated in both intensity and frequency.

Title: Re: Help DME Doppler rolling turbulence alt
Post by Pinatubo on May 14th, 2013 at 1:43am
Hola Kapitan,

How can I make it work? Its impossible to make a flight without DME marking, since Im flying via VOR and have to cheat by checking the fs map everytime.

You must turn right both DME knobs from [OFF] to [NORM] as shown below. (See 707 Captain Flight Manual Part II - Aircraft and Systems, page 67).

Isnt there an alt set knob where you can put your desired alt and the autopilot will level once reached?

No, there isn't. Once you get the desired altitude use [Altitude Hold/Elevator Disconnect Switch] to levelling the plane, as shown below. (See 707 Captain Flight Manual Part II - Aircraft and Systems, page 69).

Hope this helps.


Title: Re: Help DME Doppler rolling turbulence alt
Post by Markoz on May 14th, 2013 at 2:44am
The problem with the turbulence, like you say, it seems exaggerated. I checkmarked (turned ON) the "Disable turbulence and thermal effects on aircraft", found in Settings > Display > Weather.

I created a PDF of the Doppler Tutorial (printed to a PDF file) that used to be in the Customer Support KB#5968, before they added the info that is in the 707 Manual Part II. You can download it from here: 707 Captain Doppler System Quick Start Tutorial if you want. ;)

I found it to be of very helpful and I am so glad I added it into a PDF while it was still there! ;D

Title: Re: Help DME Doppler rolling turbulence alt
Post by Kapitan on May 14th, 2013 at 10:46am

Markoz wrote on May 14th, 2013 at 2:44am:
The problem with the turbulence, like you say, it seems exaggerated. I checkmarked (turned ON) the "Disable turbulence and thermal effects on aircraft", found in Settings > Display > Weather.

I created a PDF of the Doppler Tutorial (printed to a PDF file) that used to be in the Customer Support KB#5968, before they added the info that is in the 707 Manual Part II. You can download it from here: 707 Captain Doppler System Quick Start Tutorial if you want. ;)

I found it to be of very helpful and I am so glad I added it into a PDF while it was still there! ;D

Thanks Pinatubo, it helped a lot!

Greta Markoz!
I shall study it then, tutorials are much better than manuals.
By the way, do you navigate often with Doppler? or Ins? which do you prefer? Was the Doppler standard in 707s ? Maybe Capt Lou can answer this one.

I know the INS is not, as INS was standard in the 747-200

I believe in the 707 years pilots would do their navigation the traditional way, by using just VOR and NDB crossing marks, plus the Navigator Officer sitting behind would do more precise TIME control ETA of fixes and positions, course corrections, wind currents to chose level, weather, etc.., specially when crossing the Ocean, though I don't know which gear he used. I know Navigators before the 707 just used Star fixing plotting for ocean crossing, but by the 70s it was newer technology, maybe the Doppler.

Title: Re: Help DME Doppler rolling turbulence alt
Post by Markoz on May 14th, 2013 at 2:44pm
The instructions in manual2 are more in depth, so eventually you should read through them. They can be found in ‘707 Captain’ FLIGHT MANUAL Part II – Aircraft and Systems (cs707_manual2.pdf) pages 20-26.

Title: Re: Help DME Doppler rolling turbulence alt
Post by windplayer on May 14th, 2013 at 3:19pm
I use Doppler when overseas. Its doing its job very well. Over land, i fly VORs only.
You can easily cross the ocean with Doppler. Also, You can use to guide you into VOR signal range, then you fly to VOR, and after that - you on Doppler again. Its the same as you realigning INS using VOR station.

But Doppler require some flight-planning. I never start Doppler navigation on runway. I coming to specific waypoint using VOR, and then fly doppler. Usually i fly SID by VORs, and from SID endpoint i fly Doppler.

Title: Re: Help DME Doppler rolling turbulence alt
Post by LOU on May 14th, 2013 at 8:18pm
Kapitan asked: By the way, do you navigate often with Doppler? or Ins? which do you prefer? Was the Doppler standard in 707s ?

INS came later & only special 707's were fitted with these units. The domestic (non ocean crossing) planes used dual VOR's for just about all navigation. It was rare to even use the NDB in the U.S. except for LOM I.D. In Europe, there were more NDB legs, but those planes had DNS so that acted as a primary navigation system since the NDB's were a pain and on long legs to the south of the Mediterranean, NDB's were not very reliable and mostly pointed to thunderstorms.  :o

With high altitude VOR's, you could fly long legs with out much effort.


Title: Re: Help DME Doppler rolling turbulence alt
Post by Leonardo on May 14th, 2013 at 10:58pm

LOU wrote on May 14th, 2013 at 8:18pm:
Kapitan asked: By the way, do you navigate often with Doppler? or Ins? which do you prefer? Was the Doppler standard in 707s ?

INS came later & only special 707's were fitted with these units. The domestic (non ocean crossing) planes used dual VOR's for just about all navigation. It was rare to even use the NDB in the U.S. except for LOM I.D. In Europe, there were more NDB legs, but those planes had DNS so that acted as a primary navigation system since the NDB's were a pain and on long legs to the south of the Mediterranean, NDB's were not very reliable and mostly pointed to thunderstorms.  :o

With high altitude VOR's, you could fly long legs with out much effort.


Nice one again Lou, man you always have that secret answer we are looking for, by the way, I heard something about you flying the 707's back in the day? As crew member?

EDIT: Nevermind Lou i found your stories in the Forums, man you have some interessting stories in there buddy, i am sure everyone else along with me are thriled to have you around and sharing all this knowledge.



Title: Re: Help DME Doppler rolling turbulence alt
Post by sivsor2 on Sep 20th, 2013 at 6:45am
how can I change the value of OFFSET MILES?

the knob is not active

Title: Re: Help DME Doppler rolling turbulence alt
Post by Cappy on Oct 5th, 2013 at 5:35am

Markoz wrote on May 14th, 2013 at 2:44am:
The problem with the turbulence, like you say, it seems exaggerated. I checkmarked (turned ON) the "Disable turbulence and thermal effects on aircraft", found in Settings > Display > Weather.

I created a PDF of the Doppler Tutorial (printed to a PDF file) that used to be in the Customer Support KB#5968, before they added the info that is in the 707 Manual Part II. You can download it from here: 707 Captain Doppler System Quick Start Tutorial if you want. ;)

I found it to be of very helpful and I am so glad I added it into a PDF while it was still there! ;D

Mark, just a heads up.

I tried to open this file and Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) threw errors and wouldn't let me open it.

Title: Re: Help DME Doppler rolling turbulence alt
Post by Markoz on Oct 5th, 2013 at 12:26pm
The following is what can be found in the PDF file (I used print to PDF to create it) that can be got from the link above. I have no idea why it would give an error. If you want, I can email the PDF, in a ZIP file, to anyone who wants it (size is 168KB).


1. Q: DOPPLER SYSTEM Quick Start tutorial.
A: 1. Switch Function Selector Switch on DOPPLER CONTROL UNIT (overhead) to ON position

2. Make sure:
- Control Switch (#1, P01, NAV CONTROLLER) is in OFF or STBY position (ref. Manual Part II,
- Stage Selector (#9, P01, NAV CONTROLLER) is in middle position (ref. Manual Part II, p.52)
3. Set distance and course your need at A and B unit using Mileage Set Knobs (#6,#8) and Course
Selector (#11,#13)

4. Set Control Switch (#1) to MAN or AUTO position.

5. Set Stage Selector (#9) to A or B position.

6. Route will be shown on the map.

7. Put Autopilot Mode Selector to NAV position - aircraft will follow the route.

Note: If Control Switch is in MAN position, just one leg - A or B will appear on the map (depends on
Stage Selector position).
From: 707 Captain / Systems Programming (gauges) (QID 5968)


This what KB #5968 says now:

Q: How can I use DOPPLER SYSTEM?

Please see the Manual, Part II.

From: 707 Captain / Systems Programming (gauges) (QID 5968)

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