737 Captain >> 737 Captain - General >> Ideas anyone?

Message started by Lee Park on Feb 20th, 2013 at 3:01pm

Title: Re: Ideas anyone?
Post by Markoz on Feb 21st, 2013 at 1:35am

The problem is that firstly I do not get the GSX stairs on any of the 737's. This is okay to a point because you have the air stairs, but for a bit of added realism, especially as I fly it a lot in South Africa, where not all our airports have jetways and use the old fashioned stairs it is nice.
Create a gsx.cfg in the FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes\CS_B737-200 folder. Copy and paste this:

Code (][aircraft):

nosegear = 9.14
refueling = 1

pos = -1.66 7.97 -0.52 5.60
code = 1
name = Main Passenger Door

pos = -1.43 -10.40 -0.51 -11.70
code = (L:PassDoor2,bool)
name = Aft Passenger Door

remove = 1

remove = 1

pos = 1.56 8.21 -0.52 -7.10
code = (L:ServDoor1,bool)
name = Forward Service Door

pos = 1.34 -10.44 -0.54 10.20
code = (L:ServDoor2,bool)
name = Aft Service Door

pos = 0.84 4.41 -1.84 0.90
code = 3
name = Forward Cargo Door
uldcode = AUTO

pos = 0.88 -6.67 -1.80 9.30
code = 4
name = Aft Cargo Door
uldcode = AUTO

and see if that works. That works for me, so it should for you too. ;)

The other thing is that on my 200 and the Adv the bagage loaders do not come up, yet on the C and F, they do. The same for catering. All seems a bit reversed.
There are no baggage loaders for the -200ADV, only for the -200C/F. The above code works for the -200ADV as well.

Here is the gsx.cfg code for the -200C:

Code (][aircraft):

nosegear = 9.144
refueling = 1
absoluteheights = 0

pos = -1.65 7.9 -0.762 7.0
code = 1
name = Forward Passenger Door

pos = -1.38 -10.4 -0.15 -12.0
code = 1
name = Rear Passenger Door

remove = 1

remove = 1

pos = 1.38 -10.25 -0.15 12.0
code = 0

remove = 1

pos = 1.524 3.972 -1.9 0.0
code = 3
name = Forward Cargo Door
uldcode = BELT

pos = 1.158 -6.7 -1.44 0.0
code = 4
name = Rear Cargo Door
uldcode = BELT

and for the -200F:

Code (][aircraft):

nosegear = 9.144
refueling = 1
absoluteheights = 0

pos = -1.65 7.9 -0.762 7.0
code = 1
name = Forward Passenger Door

remove = 1

remove = 1

remove = 1

pos = 1.65 8.15 -0.762 -7.0
code = 0

remove = 1

pos = 1.524 3.972 -1.9 0.0
code = 3
name = Forward Cargo Door
uldcode = BELT

pos = 1.158 -6.7 -1.44 0.0
code = 4
name = Rear Cargo Door
uldcode = BELT

Hope this helps.

[edit]Looking at the codes for the 737-200C/F, it looks like they are the older ones I have. I'll look for the newer ones which I think are done better than that, but I might just have to redo them. Let me know how those last two (for the -200C and -200F) work. Please.[/edit]

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