707 Captain >> 707 Captain >> Fuel leak and what to do in that case?

Message started by windplayer on Jun 25th, 2012 at 10:19am

Title: Re: Fuel leak and what to do in that case?
Post by LOU on Jun 30th, 2012 at 10:11pm
Windy, I don't have the charts any more, but that sounds pretty close. We flew at Mach .82 or less unless we were late then if we had the fuel we could push it to .85 or even .86 if it was smooth.

We got our winds from dispatch before takeoff during the briefing. If something really big changed the dispatcher could call us on HF via ARINC using SELCAL which was a special code each plane had so either dispatch or ATC could get our attention. The code was a 4 letter group that was unique to each plane. Example: AG-CD would be put into a sender and the tones would ring an alert in the cockpit much like a phone call.

This way you didn't have to listen to the HF for the whole trip.  :)

The PNF did the nav work. The DNS was the primary nav with LORAN, CONSOLAN & Ocean Station Ships & contrails as a check.

None of that girly glass stuff back then, just real pilots! 8-)


More than you ever wanted to know about SELCAL

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