707 Captain >> 707 Captain >> Fuel leak and what to do in that case?

Message started by windplayer on Jun 25th, 2012 at 10:19am

Title: Re: Fuel leak and what to do in that case?
Post by LOU on Jun 29th, 2012 at 8:57pm
I guess it depends on where the leak is...

If the leak is in the manifold or even in the strut you could run the plane out of fuel.

If the leak is at the engine  :-[  you need to shut the time bomb down and pull the fire pull to close the strut valve.

Is this a fuel leak manufactured by FSX in the fault panel?

Sure if you are over the ocean your choices are limited - you do the best you can with the hand your delt,
but since you had lots of airports under you feet - and if something happened...
you would have a hard time defending the decision to continue at the hearing.  :o

Just my opinion, your mileage may vary.


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