General >> Hangar talks >> Video Making

Message started by btscott on Jun 9th, 2012 at 1:22pm

Title: Re: Video Making
Post by btscott on Jun 10th, 2012 at 9:59pm
Well, Windy, I just spent about 4 hours trying to make an FSX video using FSX Instant Replay, FRAPS and Windows Live Movie Maker. Sadly, WLMM just can not handle the full size FRAPS clips. It can do the half size, but there is a lot of shimmering and the quality of the video is not good. I seem to remember that the Windows XP version of Movie Maker was somewhat better with the FRAPS clips. Using just FRAPS screen shots from FSX WLMM is wonderful and produces a great slide show type video, but it appears that the only way to make decent FSX videos seems to be with a good quality video editing program. Here's a Top 10 review list:

I think I'm going to replace my Adobe Premire Elements 4 with Cyber Link Power Director 10.


Lou, if you are reading this you can do non FSX videos like vacations, family outings, etc with video clips and pictures from your digital camera very nicely and add music, voice over, captions etc etc using Windows Movie Maker, but as I said above you best invest in a video editing program for FSX vids.


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