767 Captain (FSX) >> 767 Captain (FSX) >> 767 issues!

Message started by GregM on May 18th, 2012 at 6:08pm

Title: Re: 767 issues!
Post by GregM on Jun 5th, 2012 at 7:05pm

Markoz wrote on Jun 5th, 2012 at 6:31am:
The file you need to be using to install the 767-300 Base Pack is named csx767_1500.exe!
If you bought the Boxed version from Aeosoft, or a download version from one of the other online stores, you are able to check in to your profile an download the latest version. I would have thought that they all would already be up to date, except for AS and their boxed product (old stock). So please make sure that is the one you are tying to install version 1.5 (csx767_1500.exe).

I haven't heard of anyone having the demo mode problem with the 767-300 Base Pack v1.5.


Yes, I have the exe file called csx767_1500.exe -- Other than the email I received with a link to download this aircraft file, I have also downloaded it a few times now as suggested. It is definitely the same exe program but for some reason it seems like I am getting a DEMO version and not the FULL version that I should have! -- As said, others that have downloaded the DEMO version had the same issues of blank panel and windows open. Mine is suppose to be the FULL edition so it should work as a FULL version and NOT as a DEMO version!!!!

As I have said before in other posts, I even got the exe file from someone else who had bought this product (and he isn't having issues) and tried his file with the same results!

This has nothing to do with my computer or anything like that - I have had many tell me this (who are computer Flight Sim Geeks) so what is wrong with this product that I have a DEMO version or that is what it seems?????


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