707 Captain >> 707 Captain >> VOR ID

Message started by wsciutti on Apr 7th, 2012 at 4:41pm

Title: Re: VOR ID
Post by wsciutti on Apr 7th, 2012 at 10:01pm

010369 which meant 3 frigggin furloughs and finally a new job path in '80 but, man , was that a sweet job!

Son has the best seat in the house on a Delta 767! as well will retire as CDR, USNR, this year. Think he will retire as Delta Capt  :) but think I will have crossed the river by then but who knows!

Bye the bye, I remember only programming the INS from my charts as we were about to enter track?


I still can't turn off the ID, even after repair - would Acceleration make a difference?

FOLLOWUP: Installing Acceleration fixed a number fo issues including how the autopilot behaves with my minor changes - interesting because I can't save a CS 767 flight in the air without errors when I load the next time.  :)

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