757 Captain >> 757 version 4.x (FSX ONLY) >> 4.4 or 4.6?

Message started by wims on Feb 9th, 2012 at 2:16am

Title: Re: 4.4 or 4.6?
Post by specialist on Feb 21st, 2012 at 12:33pm
I know that this might be described as trying to beat a dead horse, but I still say that if Captain Sim would have not told us to delete 4.4 all together when they came up with 4.6, many customers wouldn't be so upset. I think that for the sake of customer relations, they should have had an option where if you did delete 4.4, to give you an opportunity to download it again for safe keeping. I think more people are upset with this than with the fact that there are things that are still not working right. And then to say that 5.0 will not be a free upgrade, that has anger even more people, and even turned them off from buying any  other Captain Sim product. I think the business smart thing to do is to take care of your current customers, and they will keep coming back. You don't and they will turn away.

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