767 Captain (FSX) >> 767 Captain (FSX) >> A way to predict the active runway for takeoff..?

Message started by Morten on Jan 22nd, 2012 at 3:55am

Title: Re: A way to predict the active runway for takeoff..?
Post by CoolP on Jan 24th, 2012 at 5:48pm
Me says that the way people are flying their sim is as different as the way people install their software. Very little chance of finding two guys doing the same thing.

I'm either on online ATC, very rarely with VoxATC and most of the time in complete silence. Other times I let the rw live ATC run in the background, which I also see as silence since I don't have to talk there.
I think MS did a nice job on offering a sort of ATC impression, but it isn't more than that and I later found it to be a problem since it establishes a lot of bad habits and acts too static when you want to fly certain locations and approaches or even planes (Concorde in cruise climb). The voices are good though, although you soon have heard them all.

The live rw ATC thing is really funny at times, very boring at others. Same as online ATC.  ;D Now the live stuff may train you on listening to the folks and also gives a ton of input on 'lets look that up things'.

If I could recommend anything, I'd say that one should get rid of the default ATC as soon as possible. Listen to the rw folks and try to understand what they are doing and flying or find a nice online ATC spot with good coverage and go from VFR flights to IFR ones, like a real pilot would do.

We should be aware that most of us learn their stuff backwards and, when only using the MS ATC, also wrong in certain aspects. It really is a challenge but also very rewarding to try a closer to real approach, learning small planes and VFR first, then stepping up.

So if I want to enjoy some scenery and/or plane, there's silence, no ATC needed. If I want to have some thrill when flying a boring FMC plane, I pick the online ATC and a denser area. You never know what's coming and your confidence on flying alone is soon replaced by a sort of stress. Very funny at times, even without system failures or something.

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