767 Captain (FSX) >> 767 Captain (FSX) >> A way to predict the active runway for takeoff..?

Message started by Morten on Jan 22nd, 2012 at 3:55am

Title: Re: A way to predict the active runway for takeoff..?
Post by Markoz on Jan 23rd, 2012 at 3:51am
I use ASE real weather and I go by what it tells me the wind direction is at my destination. I find that the ATIS will not match ASE weather until I am very close to my destination airport. This appears to be about 10nm. Listening to the ATIS at 60 miles tells me completely different information to ASE. At 10 miles, they will closely match. This applies to both the wind (speed and direction) and QNH.

I go by ASE and I find it quite accurate. I know that one time I was approaching MEL, ASE was showing the wind as 15/185 so I chose runway ILS16 to land on. I had a 60knot crosswind until about 1500 feet AGL. ASE was correct with the wind speed and direction. I really thought that this landing was going to be a case of GO AROUND and then land on the correct runway.


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