727 Captain >> 727 Captain >> CIVA INS Weird Problem, Please Help anyone??

Message started by jmoss on Feb 6th, 2011 at 4:25am

Title: CIVA INS Weird Problem, Please Help anyone??
Post by jmoss on Feb 6th, 2011 at 4:25am
I have the great Civa INS installed in the CS 727.  Problem is after setting my current position and switching to alignment mode, I watch the performance index numbers drop from the start of 95 to then 65 then they stay stuck there at 65 forever and never get below that so I can go from align mode to nav mode. I even hit the screw to do a  fast alignment  just to avoid waiting  too long and the same darn thing happens. I've been sitting here for 7 hours staight now and can't get past this point! I followed a video tutorial online by blub77 on youtube to the letter just to make sure I didn't miss anything. I also have read all the manuals completely 8 times since yesterday. I did everything by the book. The error code I get is 04-45 which states the position I entered is not correct or within operating limits. I entered what FSX says on the top left corner of the screen!! How could that be wrong??? What could be wrong here?? I have electric always available in my config. and power is not the issue here as all radios and everything work hour after hour after hour just to eliminate that possibility. I am pulling my hair out. Below is a link to this tutorial which is great by the way. Please can someone help me before I just loose it!  I am way beyond frustrated now. Thanks in advance.

Warm regards, Jeff

Title: Re: CIVA INS Weird Problem, Please Help anyone??
Post by TurbofanDude on Feb 7th, 2011 at 9:26pm
Be sure to have the plane's APU/EXT PWR, Battery, and systems online and correct, as well, YOU MUST HAVE THE DEFAULT BATTERY ON AND THE DEFAULT GENERATORS ON

Title: Re: CIVA INS Weird Problem, Please Help anyone??
Post by CoolP on Feb 12th, 2011 at 10:40pm
I think and hope that Jeff's problem was solved.

For further CIVA related questions and suggestions please use this thread in the 707 section.
As the 707 currently is the only CS plane coming with a default Civa integration (when installed), this placement makes sense and gives us all a central point to place comments, thoughts, problems and some answers.  :)

Title: CIVA INS for 727
Post by fturnerj on May 6th, 2011 at 5:29am
I have installed the CIVA INS to my 727 per an earlier post. The install went fine but I get no power to the unit,. When I turn the power on standby I get nothing. I have went over every aspect of my install. Any solutions out there?

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