Weapon for FSX >> Weapon for FSX >> Weapon for AC-130

Message started by Sal6709 on Feb 5th, 2011 at 11:14pm

Title: Re: Weapon for AC-130
Post by Markoz on Sep 16th, 2011 at 8:42am
I thought of doing that, but because they are a part of the Captain Sim C-130 X-perience, I don't really want to touch them, if you know where I'm coming from.

But it just got a whole lot worse. I did something to mess up my installation of the C-130 X-perience. I uninstalled it, then deleted all the aiurcraft folders associated with the C-130. I then reinstalled it and once everything was working fine, I emptied my recycle bin. Guess what went out with the trash?

As you can well imagine, I am very angry with myself over this. I'll just have to start all over again. :'(

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