Weapon for FSX >> Weapon for FSX >> Weapon for AC-130

Message started by Sal6709 on Feb 5th, 2011 at 11:14pm

Title: Re: Weapon for AC-130
Post by Markoz on Mar 29th, 2011 at 2:51am

I found the files for the AC-130 Weapons Panel so I'm going to use them. I'm sorry this is taking a while to do, but I get carried away shooting things when I'm testing. Not to mention that sometimes, I switch to another aircraft and just start shooting anything and everything that I possibly can.

I'm also not very good with UV mapping in gmax (probably one of my weakest points), not that that is too much to worry about, seeing as you can't really see the shells themselves.

Oh well. Back to the grind. ;D


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