707 Captain >> 707 Captain >> Fuel Boost Pumps

Message started by wiltzei on Jan 22nd, 2011 at 5:21pm

Title: Re: Some items I'd like to see in the next SP
Post by Markoz on Jan 23rd, 2011 at 12:32am
Hi wiltzei.

1) The problem with turning the Fuel Boost Pumps for an empty tank seem to prevent/override the fuel flow into the engine from the crossflow feeds of the other tanks. I always leave the Boost Pumps from empty tanks OFF and so the engines remain running. The side effect of that, is that when I'm doing long haul flights, engines will shut down IF I don't turn those Boost Pumps OFF immediately when the tank empties. Is it a bug? I don't know. It doesn't seem like one to me.

2) The 707 doesn't use FSUIPC so I'm not sure if what you are asking for can be done. It would at least be nice if it could be changed in the default keypress of CTRL+SHIFT+H followed by the + and - keys (on the main keyboard, not the keypad). As long as it doesn't change by more than one degree at a time (unlike on others where it moves by ~10 degrees per press of the +/- key).

3) Try pressing the A/P disengaged warning light to extiguish the warning, rather than using turning the A/P Master Switch back ON.


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