727 Captain >> 727 Captain >> List of Bugs after 2.4 - Comments needed

Message started by CoolP on Oct 16th, 2010 at 6:20am

Title: Re: List of Bugs after 2.4 - Comments needed
Post by CoolP on Dec 11th, 2010 at 1:48pm
Hi, Lou.

Maybe I did this small modification a long time ago and can't remember it but I didn't have any "don't sink" since a long time.
I have to look up my flight sim files later.

I was just asking if the mentioned problems are still present in the 2.4 model.
As you see, my memory plays tricks on me as I can't remember MDA light or altitude rollover problems too on this version and therefor the are not on the list.

The shortest way for people still getting annoyed by this stuff would be a ticket and a small report in this thread that one is on the way.
If this stuff is still present, then the real solution towards it aren't user modifications but a small fix from the company of course.

The current "fix" for don't sink is a workaround only (and therefor needs a real fix) as it disables the sound, so you don't get the right warnings after takeoff too while you just suppress hearing the wrong ones at the approach.
So the sound trigger is still active but you just don't hear a thing.
Maybe they can make it more throttle depended because you have a more or less full throttle setting at takeoff while you are far lower at the approach.

I applaud to every user for reprogramming gauges (rollover fix and MDA) or asking himself how to fix "don't sink", that's for sure.
But if 2.5 will make this stuff obsolete (because all things got company fixed, as a consequence from the mentioned tickets), it would be perfect.

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