727 Captain >> 727 Captain >> B727 cold and dark problem

Message started by glez18 on Jan 4th, 2010 at 6:34am

Title: Re: B727 cold and dark problem
Post by Markoz on Jan 24th, 2010 at 12:55am
Hi Sanal.

The problem here is not about turning the Master Battery Switch ON, but that the battery loses all power after a few minutes.

There was nothing worse than taking off and, after a short while, all of a sudden the Avionics would stop functioning. That is why myself and many others have added the electric_always_available=1 line into the aircraft.cfg. Adding that line means that the battery is always full (or at least something like that) and we don't lose our Avionics because of it.

Howell also stated that adding that line to the aircraft.cfg fixed his problem.

I'm hoping I have made this more clear for you. ;)


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