767 Captain (FSX) >> 767 Captain (FSX) >> AUTOPILOT - the only thread please

Message started by Vinnie on Aug 27th, 2009 at 12:52pm

Title: Re: AUTOPILOT - the only thread please
Post by oskiatl on Dec 27th, 2011 at 3:13pm
I read the manual backwards and forward and I still have the issue! I program the FMC correctly triple checked my work. When increase my throttles and begin my roll the aircraft will takeoff, the enter a steep climb,it will reach takeoff speed then when I push AP,VNAV,and LNAV the plane loses speed and then stalls out and crashes! Then if a do a manual climb and turn on the auto pilot functions it won't follow flight plan or, the heading hold will not work! I sent a support ticket I was told to read manual in which I did and still the same results. I read here in one of the forums that someone had the same issue and just reverted back to an older version of FSUIC, but the 1.5 update is supposed to remove FSUIC dependecy, if i am correct. I was wonder if maybe it still depending on FSUIC and if so how do go about finding an older version to use? Any suggestions would be helpful. ;D

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