767 Captain (FSX) >> 767 Captain (FSX) >> AUTOPILOT - the only thread please

Message started by Vinnie on Aug 27th, 2009 at 12:52pm

Title: 767 Autopilot
Post by ByBry on Oct 23rd, 2010 at 11:24pm
It is with sadness that I must declare the 767 autopilot a dismal failure.

I posted this before but received no real help.  I've now installed FSX on a second computer and installed the Captain's 767 on that computer.  That now makes 2 computers (one running XP, one running Windows 7) on which the 767 autopilot will not engage.  The speed control engages, the Flight Director engages but not any one of the 3 AP switches will activitate the AP system.  Yes, I programmed the CDU (KDFW to KBOS),  Nothing, nada, nyet.

My frustration with this aircraft is beyond acceptance.  I have every Captain sim model made and every one works just fine.  The 767 does not and I am very disappointed.  Since this is a new computer with a new FSX and no old .dll ghosts running around I thought it was perfect.  It isn't!

The 767 looks nice, flys nice, just doesn't work 100%.  I did write to tech support, they told me to come to the forum.  I did.  No solution from them, no solution here either.

Suffice to say that my recommendation on purchasing the 767 would be to not do so.

CLS makes a 767 as does another company and they work flawlessly.    >:(

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