767 Captain (FSX) >> 767 Captain (FSX) >> AUTOPILOT - the only thread please

Message started by Vinnie on Aug 27th, 2009 at 12:52pm

Title: Re: AUTOPILOT - the only thread please
Post by timmiek on Aug 17th, 2010 at 7:17pm
Question 1: Does anyone have the problem with capt sims 757 and 767- when I am in the Virtual cockpit mode the ac does not seem to want to follow the flight plan/red line, it keeps veering off the course, sometimes quite drasticly.
I use the EZDOC camera in the VC mode. As soon as I go to view the Cabin or anywhere outside the AC, its like the auto pilot just disconnects. BAD. I ended up upside down one time.

Question 2: Basically the same question but not from the VC, its when i go to the outside view mode- the AC just goes off autopilot and veers sharply either one way or the other, almost imediately.

This makes it VERY hard to enjoy a long flight by touring around inside and out of the ac- when i sit in a passenger seat and look out the window only to find out we're upside down diving at the ground. pretty much kills the passenger mood as they all start screaming.

anyone have a fix for this? or is it happening to anyone else?

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