757 Captain >> 757 version 4.x (FSX ONLY) >> 757 V 4.2: Radio tuning issue?

Message started by bob_r on Dec 28th, 2008 at 11:01pm

Title: Re: 757 V 4.2: Radio tuning issue?
Post by bob_r on Jan 3rd, 2009 at 9:21pm
Bruce, you rock! :-)

Believe it or not, I did *not* think of loading up the 757 by starting the default flight first.

I just tried this - I started my FSX default flight (in my case, a Cessna Skylane ready to go on Montreal's active runway), and then I changed aircraft to the 757. The radios were tunable!

Now I haven't tried to switch back to my other flight, or try to create a new one, so this is what I will try next. However, this is progress!

Unfortunately, I still get the violent side to side rocking motion when I turn on the autopilot, but that is another issue being discussed in another thread.

Thanks very much for the excellent suggestion Bruce. I'll now see how much further I can get (without the autopilot) and what new issues I run into. I haven't encountered the sound issue you mentioned yet. Good luck with that.


- Bob

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