757 Captain >> 757 version 4.x (FSX ONLY) >> 757 V 4.2: Radio tuning issue?

Message started by bob_r on Dec 28th, 2008 at 11:01pm

Title: 757 V 4.2: Radio tuning issue?
Post by bob_r on Dec 28th, 2008 at 11:01pm
I've recently installed version 4.2 of the 757 for FSX, and I've encountered a peculiar problem - I cannot seem to tune any of the COM radios on the radio stack. I cursor over the tuning knob, as well as the frequency windows, and get the usual + and -, but nothing I do will change the frequency. I've tried numerous times, with the aircraft in a fully powered state.

Has anyone else encountered this issue? Any ideas on what may be happening?

Thanks for any tips.

- Bob

Title: Re: 757 V 4.2: Radio tuning issue?
Post by TLCabral on Dec 31st, 2008 at 4:10am
Make sure the "Auto" button is not engaged.  Change to "Man" and you should be able to change the the frequency manually.  Hope that resolves your issue. :)

Title: Re: 757 V 4.2: Radio tuning issue?
Post by Bruce Leehan on Dec 31st, 2008 at 5:25am
The man/auto button is only on the NAV radios...I am having the exact same issue. unable to tune radios. This is following a clean install and using the FSX default flight situation. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Bruce Leehan

Title: Re: 757 V 4.2: Radio tuning issue?
Post by Cthulhus on Dec 31st, 2008 at 9:48am
Strange.... I have a clean FSX installation too and I can change the VHF frequency, ILS, NAV ect...

What are the addons installed ?

Title: Re: 757 V 4.2: Radio tuning issue?
Post by Bruce Leehan on Jan 1st, 2009 at 12:03am
FSX Acceleration, and unregistered (limited) version of other addons.

Title: Re: 757 V 4.2: Radio tuning issue?
Post by Bruce Leehan on Jan 1st, 2009 at 3:05am
nevermind...working now. rebooted for fourth time....

Title: Re: 757 V 4.2: Radio tuning issue?
Post by bob_r on Jan 1st, 2009 at 6:06pm
Hey Bruce,

So, your issue with tuning the radios is now fixed? All you did was reboot? Please let me know if there is anything else you did in addition to this. I've rebooted many times.

My issue still persists. I have a ticket open with Support, and so far, they've asked me to re-install FSX SP2, which I've done. Still no luck.

As an aside, I also have the violent rocking side to side issue that's been mentioned a few times in this forum. Happens every time a switch on the autopilot.

Looks like I might be "shelving" this sim again. I've been over a year trying to get this 757 to work well enough to complete a flight. Quite a shame, since it looks like it has great potential.

Thanks in advance for any other tips anyone can offer.

- Bob

Title: Re: 757 V 4.2: Radio tuning issue?
Post by Bruce Leehan on Jan 1st, 2009 at 11:07pm
I know you probably tried this...but did you start out with the FS default flight?

I honestly am stupified why it started working for that I have fixed that issue, I noticed that when I start the engines...I have no engine sound, AT ALL...I have uninstalled, my sound drivers (Realtek) then reinstalled, and even updated the driver after that didn't work. I also uninstalled the CS Pro pack, and the freighter, then reinstalled in the proper order and still no engine sounds. I have switch sounds and faint APU sounds, but that's it as far as the 757 goes. All other planes seem unaffected. Oh well, I'll keep working on it. Good luck with your radio issue.  :-/

Title: Re: 757 V 4.2: Radio tuning issue?
Post by bob_r on Jan 3rd, 2009 at 9:21pm
Bruce, you rock! :-)

Believe it or not, I did *not* think of loading up the 757 by starting the default flight first.

I just tried this - I started my FSX default flight (in my case, a Cessna Skylane ready to go on Montreal's active runway), and then I changed aircraft to the 757. The radios were tunable!

Now I haven't tried to switch back to my other flight, or try to create a new one, so this is what I will try next. However, this is progress!

Unfortunately, I still get the violent side to side rocking motion when I turn on the autopilot, but that is another issue being discussed in another thread.

Thanks very much for the excellent suggestion Bruce. I'll now see how much further I can get (without the autopilot) and what new issues I run into. I haven't encountered the sound issue you mentioned yet. Good luck with that.


- Bob

Title: Re: 757 V 4.2: Radio tuning issue?
Post by Bruce Leehan on Jan 4th, 2009 at 12:22am

Title: Re: 757 V 4.2: Radio tuning issue?
Post by Bob Markey on Feb 5th, 2009 at 11:43pm
Make certain your Avionics Master is switched ON with another aircraft first, or bind a key to it in the controls section of Options->Settings.  This is likely the cause.

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